Once registered, we will contact you from time to time, via email, to participate in our focus groups or “Online Survey”. It’s a great way to get your opinions and thoughts heard.
Be assured that NEMR will never share or sell this database with any third parties, vendors or clients. These sessions are for market research purpose only. There will never be any follow up sales or solicitation.
How To Complete the Form
- All required fields ( * ) must be filled out in order to submit profile.
- Fill in the boxes by typing in your answer.
- Click on the appropriate circles or boxes to select your answer.
- Click on the blue arrows to access the drop-down list then click on your answer.
Join Our Database
Join Our Database FAQs
Below are some questions and answers that might help you better understand our business and your role as a respondent. If the information provided doesn’t completely answer your question please use the “Please contact us if you need additional help ” link under each answer. Complete the Request Additional Information form and submit it. A New England Marketing Research Customer Service person will respond to your request with in 24 hours.
Thank you for your interest in NEMR
- Do I have to sign up more than once?
- How confidential is this?
- How long does a group or interview last?
- What do you do with my information?